由于大学申请是在 fall semester of 大四, this is the last academic year that is fully reflected in the Grade Point Average that appears on a student’s 成绩单.


对于在考试中得分较低的学生 first two years of 高中, it is now or never to take steps to 提高他们的成绩. 对于那些能够发展内容的学生 and skills mastery to improve their academics, colleges do take into consideration the trend in student grades over the course of 高中.




If students do become overly stressed due to their workload, which probably 包括美联社® classes and extracurriculars, then it is not too late to adjust 习惯的一种方式来解决这些问题.


Electives will allow students to explore new subject matters, and identify potential interests, to which they may not have had prior exposure.


参加P坐 / NMSQT考试® 要么早考,要么考ACT® 或坐® 在大三结束之前 year will allow a student, if necessary, to sit for the exam again early 大四.

现在进入了高中后半段,是初三了 time for students to take the steps necessary to either improve or solidify their 大学应用.

All students as juniors should be taking classes in the following 领域:

英语, math, science, social science, and foreign language. 大多数学生都会选择 Algebra 2, Trigonometry, or Pre-Calculus for math, Biology, Chemistry, or Physics for 美国历史作为他们的社会科学.

10月,所有11年级学生都要参加P坐 / NMSQT考试®.

三年级学生参加P坐 / NMSQT考试® 有机会获得国家优秀奖学金吗 recognition based upon how their 分数s compare to other juniors across the country and 在他们自己的国家. Not only does achieving National Merit recognition allow for a student to potentially receive money for college, but this achievement is also noted on 学生的大学申请.

Students looking to apply to the most competitive colleges should also explore taking 坐® 三年级的科目测试.

注意这一点很重要 the Subject Test expectations for each college are different, so it is important for students to consult with their guidance/college counselor when 决定参加哪些考试. 对于大三参加大学先修课程考试的学生, 参加坐考试是个好主意® 主题测试与主题测试同时或几乎同时进行 Advanced Placement exam, so that the student can take both exams when their subject area 专业知识正处于顶峰.

Continue participation in extracurriculars and potentially ascend into leadership roles.

For students that have not participated in extracurricular activities to this point in time, it is important to get involved to both build their leadership skills and to enrich their 申请大学.



For academically high achieving juniors, it is necessary to support this previous work 在标准化评估中得分很高. 因为一个学生花在 classroom, completing homework, and studying for tests, the single ACT®/坐® 得分账户 25%-35%的大学会考虑. 一个学生不希望一个四小时的考试破坏 成千上万小时的工作.

For these students, it is also important to identify motivations to continue the work that 在过去两年中取得了哪些成功. 激发学生积极性的一个方法是 provide specific examples as to why achieving good grades and high 分数s on standardized 考试仍然很重要. 除了上大学的动机之外,还有别的原因 important for students identify what particular college(s) they hope to attend, what they hope to study or achieve when they get to college, and what they may want to do after college. Establishing firm goals and objective finish lines can motivate a student’s sustained 尽管他或她的工作量增加了,但仍然取得了成就.

It is also essential that these students enrich their 申请大学 beyond 学业成绩和标准化考试成绩. 最具竞争力的大学收到了 numerous applications from students who have received top grades in the classroom and elite 标准化考试成绩. 出现在学生申请表上的活动 transcripts and 考试成绩 demonstrate the unique qualities that he or she will bring to an 大学新生. 课外成就提供了机会 for a student to tell a story beyond his or her classroom achievement.


Juniors that have received less than elite academic results have one final opportunity to demonstrate the skills and content mastery that are necessary to give their Grade Point Average the extra bump that can help distinguish their 申请大学 from the crowd.

Ascending from predominantly B’s to predominantly A’s is also important for the 高年级学生的课程选择. 如果学生还没有上大学先修课程 classes to this point, receiving A’s during junior year may position him or her to gain 12年级开始上这些课. 参加这些课程并接受考试 分数s on the associated exams can allow a student to gain collegiate credit while still in 高中. A significant part of this push to the top of the grade scale will be developing a student mindset that even at this later part of 高中, and beyond, he or she can be 一个优等生.”


Juniors that are receiving predominantly C grades or below have a final opportunity to improve their 高中 academic performance and significantly improve the Grade Point 平均出现在他们的成绩单上. 注意这一点很重要 many colleges positively view an upward trajectory in a student’s grades.

This skill building not only allows for higher grades in the interim, but it will also have residue in student performance on the standardized exams that students take towards 大三结束的时候. 这对于ACT高的学生来说尤为重要®/坐® 分数 provides an opportunity for these students to somewhat balance a lower Grade Point Average 申请大学时.

Similar to standardized exams, extracurricular activities provide an opportunity for students to provide a more well-rounded impression 申请大学时. 领导 roles in sports, student organizations, or student activities can provide depth to a student’s profile beyond the quantitative measures of Grade Point Average and standardized 考试成绩.
